Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales"


"The Canterbury Tales"

The Canterbury Tales consists of 83 medieval manuscripts and 22 stories.


A group of pilgrims go on a journey from London to Canterbury to pay respect to the tomb of St. Thomas Becket at a Cathedral. There are many different types of special characters with different traits and backgrounds. On their journey, they all decide to tell stories to each other. The pilgrims decide to tell 2 stories on the way there and then 2 stories on the way back. As they are traveling, they decide that whoever tells the best story will have his or her way paid in full. The stories are filled with interesting ideas and all somehow relate to the person's social class or someone elses. At the end, there is no defined winner. This only the case because Chaucer died before he could finish all the stories.

Because Chaucer died before finishing The Canterbury Tales, it makes the story open-ended and left for the reader's imagination to wander.